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52 Sonntagskuchen

Konditorrezepte zum Selbermachen

von Neef, Karl

It is a point of debate whether or not yoga practice and physical training have a positiveimpact on health related physical fitness and physiological variables. In order to evaluate theimpact of yoga and physical training on health related physical fitness and physiologicalvariables, a study was conducted on Ninety (90) untrained students from PoornimaUniversity, Jaipur during the academic year 2015 - 16 with age ranging from 18 to 21 years.There were 90 male students divided in to three groups of 30 students each for yoga practice,physical training and uninterrupted normal activity control group by the researcher. This wasdeemed to be an efficient and effective way to conduct the research. The duration of trainingperiod of the experimental groups was twelve weeks of regular yoga and physical training for70 minutes every day. The objective of present study was to study the effect of yoga andphysical training on selected health related physical fitness and physiological variables and tosee whether the control group maintains on selected all variables. It was hypothesized thatthere may not be a significant difference of yoga, physical training and control group onselected variables. Data collection done through body mass index test (BMI) for thecomposition of body, cardiovascular endurance beep test, muscular endurance push up test,muscular strength standing broad jump, flexibility sit and reach test, vital capacity wetspirometer, resting pulse rate through number of pulse beats per minute, breath holdingcapacity duration of breath holding till the time , the number of times chest swollen in aminute to record respiratory rate and Omron HEM-71210299Hg was used for the recordingof systolic as well as diastolic BP displayed with pulse. The procured data was subjected toanalysis, interpretation and tabulation to evolve a meaningful conclusion so that a comparisoncan be made with reference to health related physical fitness and physiological variablechanges that were seen in participants who went through yoga and physical training program.There was an analysis of Pre- and post- tests data related to physical and physiologicalvariables and the scores were recorded through paired t-test and analysis of covariance(ANCOVA) for each variable separately, whenever 'F' ratio of the adjusted post-testeventually turned out to be important. The application of Scheffe's test in the form of posthoctest was applied to evaluate the paired mean differences. There was fixation of level ofsignificance at 0.05.

Details zum Artikel "52 Sonntagskuchen"
Lieferstatus ⦿ ab Lager lieferbar
ISBN 978-3-7750-0681-1
Autor Karl Neef
Verlag Hädecke
Einband Fester Einband
Erscheinungsjahr 2016
Ausgabekennzeichen Deutsch
Abbildungen Raster, farbig
Masse H26.5 cm x B23.5 cm x D1.5 cm 891 g Newsletter Anmeldung
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